How to Clean a Bathtub & Shower. Best soap scum remover

It seems like such a simple request but obviously there is something a lot of people struggle with when it comes to cleaning. And that is how to clean a shower and a tub properly. We get asked this a lot and what we do have videos on them, we’ve also taken some of your feedback into consideration and that is just creating a really clear simple step-by-step procedure on how to do this task. So in this video, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to take your feedback. I’m going to take what’s in here. I’m going to throw it all together, and show you, guys, how professionals clean tubs and baths. And I’m also going to cover off some of those pitfalls that freak people out. And I’m going to show you how to get around them. Alright, let’s do it!

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Durable – Best soap scum remover

  • Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Durable scrubber is 4X Stronger* with DURAFOAM * Cleaning performance vs. the leading all-purpose bleach spray
  • This cleaning scrubber is tough on dirt, all around the house! Surface cleaner, wall cleaner, bathtub cleaner, oven door cleaner, erases marks on light switches, doors & much more!
  • The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser provides a powerful clean with water alone.
  • No Harsh chemicals added.
  • Magic Erasers are also available in Extra Durable, Kitchen, and Original forms
  • Cleans textured surfaces and plastic patio furniture and alloy car wheels
Check the price

And just a quick reminder, if you haven’t done it so. Subscribe to the Clean my space channel and make sure that your notification bell is turned on. And give this video a thumbs up if you like the step-by-step layout that we’re going to throw down in this video. I’m talking about the Clean My Space step by step.

Whenever I’m tackling a cleaning task, I always categorize things into three different sections: products, tools, and techniques. So the products and tools that you’re going to need for this cleaning are tub and tile cleaner. You can either make your own, I will link a video for you in the description box on a great recipe. Or you can pick up any one that you like. Just make sure it has some abrasion in it. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, double-strength vinegar or lemon juice, a squeegee, a non-scratching sponge, a microfiber cloth, and, of course, I’m using a makers and a cleaning toothbrush.

Drillbrush Bathroom Surfaces Tub – Best cleaning brush for bathtub

  • This kit contains medium stiffness nylon power brushes that will attach to your favorite cordless drill
  • 3 different sizes and shapes of brushes for cleaning around your bathroom surfaces
  • These nylon bristles will not scratch and can be used on tubs, sinks, baseboards, fiberglass shower enclosures, shower door tracks, and porcelain
  • all three brushes have quarter inch QUICK CHANGE shafts,Cordless drill NOT included Drill NOT included
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Soap scum is something that I have talked about a lot over the years. And before I started cleaning I had no idea what it was. I just heard about it on TV commercials. Well, for this video I specifically made sure I had soap scum in my shower. I actually had to work at getting soap scum in the shower. So I can show you what it looks like. It’s essentially a buildup of soap, dead skin cells body, oils and hardened minerals from your water creating sort of like a cakey greyish brownish fuzzy feeling, gummy feeling kind of built up. It’s a scum. I mean there’s no other way to put it, and it becomes sticky, and difficult to remove over time which is why you need abrasion. And you really have to scrub or pretreat a surface when you’re in a bathroom before you start cleaning it.

First up, we’re going to remove everything from the shower and the tub, anything that’s sitting in there for a long period of time has the opportunity to grow mold and mildew under it. So everything coming out is the way to go. Next up, we’re pre-treating our tiles only will do the tub afterward. That’s so that you can stand in the tub, if you need to clean it. Now I’m dipping my sponge into my product working my way from top to bottom, left to right, or if you use a spray, you can just spritz that on as well. Oh, and make sure that you get your chrome that needs a cleaning too.

Extra thick magic cleaning pads – Best cleaning pads for bathtub & shower

  • THE ORIGINAL EXTRA THICK SPONGES – We made our magic eraser sponges twice as thick so that they can handle the most cleaning ever. We also use premium super dense melamine that is both tough yet gentle. The original STK Brand is trusted by tens of thousands of Amazon shoppers and inspired dozens of imitation brands.
  • GENTLE – No more abrasive or corrosive cleaners needed with this magic sponge. It only needs water so you can care for all your surfaces without damage. Simply wet, wipe and swipe! Dirt, mess and grime have met their match.
  • UNIVERSAL CLEANER – Try it anywhere you find dirt. Leather, marble, steel are no match for this powerful sponge. The only limitations are your imagination.
  • 20 PACK – These extra thick sponges will outlast any leading brand and cost less than half as much. STK provides the ultimate bang for your cleaning buck.
  • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – If you are not completely satisfied with our product then return it for a full refund. with no questions asked.
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If you happen to have any discolored grout, there’s a really simple way to fix that. You can add baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to a bowl, you want to make a thick paste. So measurements don’t really matter here. Just have a nice and pasty apply it with a cleaning toothbrush to the grout lines while everything is pre-treating. And what this will do is allow that to work while the soap scum is melting off as well so that when you go to clean it in the next step, everything comes off.

Now you’re going to scrub the tiles using the scrubby side of the sponge. It should be nice and wet. You’re going to apply pressure from top to bottom, left to right. By doing this, you’ll really help remove any of the schmutz that is stuck to your wall including any of that stuff stuck in the grout lines. It’ll come out during this cleaning.

Now if you need some extra abrasion, you can add a little bit of baking soda to your sponge that will help get rid of any stubborn soap scum but by the time this work is done, everything will be nice and clean. But hold on! We’re not rinsing it just yet. If you have glass in your shower, you don’t want to use anything abrasive like a sponge or an abrasive product, so instead you can spray on that full-strength vinegar or use some lemon juice to help remove soap scum or build up.

A quick pro-tip! Here you can roll up your bath mat and use that to rest your knees on, when you’re
scrubbing your tub. Trust me, it’s a nice way to save your knees! I’m using the soft side of my sponge to apply the product again. I’m going to give a 5-minute gap between applying the product, and actually scrubbing it off. So that’s my pre-treating phase. And I recommend using something abrasive for

OXO good grips bottle brush – Best bottle cleaning brush

  • Long, durable neck gives for easy reach inside bottles, pitchers, carafes, blenders, electric kettles, travel mugs and mason jars
  • Stiff blue bristles give hard-to-reach corners a serious scrub, while white bristles are gentle enough to clean wine glasses and crystal without scratching
  • Soft, non-slip handle provides a comfortable grip, even when wet
  • Easily stored in a kitchen caddy or hung from a hook
    Dishwasher safe
  • Also great for stemware, pint glasses, baby bottles and other delicate containers
Check the price

All right! I’m using the abrasive side of the sponge, it’s nice and wet. Five minutes have passed, and I’m going to start scrubbing the tub. Now the products will do a lot of work for me but I still have to scrub quite a bit to get rid of that soap scum.

We do get a lot of emails and comments about people who either have physical limitations, chronic pain, or are looking for a more ergonomic cleaning solution instead of having to bend down, or crouch, or reach, or something along those lines. Now there are a lot of cleaning tools available to make these tasks a little bit easier, and for this particular job, you can get an extendable pole with a sponge on the tip. So it makes cleaning a little bit easier in that respect. We’re really listening, we’re trying to make cleaning a bit more ergonomic for you. I will link a couple of products that can be helpful for you down below.

Alright! Back to scrub down! If you need any extra abrasion, you can always throw some baking soda down. That’s why, I’m so obsessed with it. Oh, and make sure you scrub your chrome.

Now we’re going to rinse! I have a detachable shower head, that is super helpful in cleaning this. However, if you don’t have that, you can just fill up a large container and dump water on your tiles from top to bottom. Just be methodical. So it doesn’t splash water everywhere. You really want to make sure that you get all the products off. So that, you get a nice clean and smooth finish.

Now I’ll use the squeegee, just to remove any residual water or product from the walls. That is the final step. That’s how you get that nice, a brilliant shine, when you’re done cleaning. It’s also important to do this in the tub because water can hang around there too, and make it look less shiny. And to clean your chrome of course use a microfiber cloth. If you have any water spots, you can throw some vinegar on there too.

For me, the kicker is this when you let the product do the work for you, you can be lazy when it comes to cleaning instead of having to scrub like a maniac. So remember, when you are cleaning always pre-soak. Use the S pattern, make sure you shine everything up at the end, so that it looks extra glossy, extra magazine. And then what do you want to do, you want to take your clothes off, and get right in there, and take a shower, or a bath. Of course, it looks beautiful and clean!

Bissell 17893 crosswave multi – Best way to clean tile floors

  • 3-Pack of crosswave multi surface Formula, 32 oz. Bottles
  • For use in Bissell crosswave all-in-one Multi-Surface cleaner series 1785
  • Great for cleaning all sealed hard floors and Area rugs
  • Freshen your floors and Area rugs with the fresh scent of spring breeze
  • Safe to use on sealed hardwood floors, tile, Laminate, Area rugs and low-pile carpet
Check the price

I’d love to know in the comments down below, did you find this style of video helpful that clear step-by-step instructional style video? Let me know, if you like that. And we can start doing a few more of these because I thought it was kind of fun. I mean I am the person doing the video, I don’t know what it’s like for you guys on the receiving end. So I really rely on your comment.

The other thing I’d like to know is ergonomic important to you when it comes to cleaning? Do you, guys, want me to share a little bit more information about that? Find better cleaning tools to help you not break your back when you’re scrubbing a toilet? Let me know in the comments down below.

Here are a couple of other videos I think you’re going to love, and if you want to learn more about makers clean microfiber cloths, you can click this button right over here. There’s the button down there that lets me know you care. So click it, if you liked this video, and click this button right here to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life. Thanks so much for watching and we’ll see you next time!


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